pull off multitasking 意味

  • マルチタスクをうまくやり遂げる


        multitasking:    {名-1} : 一度{いちど}に複数{ふくすう}の仕事{しごと}をこなすこと -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 《コ》マルチタスク、多重{たじゅう}タスキング、多重タスク処理
        pull it off:    (漠然{ばくぜん}と)うまくやる
        pull off:    {名} :
        pull that off:    難しいことができる I have no idea how David pulled that off. It's amazing. デイビドにあんなことができるなんて!すごい!
        pull-off:    {名-1} : 車を路肩に寄せること、待避場所◆【同】〈英〉lay-by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 曲線引金具{きょくせん ひき かなぐ}
        lack the clout to pull it off:    その実現{じつげん}には人脈{じんみゃく}が欠けている
        pipe pull-off:    pipe pull-off パイプ引取装置[化学]
        pull off a big coup:    大当たりを取る
        pull off a biological attack:    生物攻撃{せいぶつ こうげき}を成し遂げる
        pull off a coup:    大成功を収める、大当たりを取る
        pull off a double play:    重殺{じゅうさつ}する
        pull off a double steal:    重盗{じゅうとう}する
        pull off a feat:    離れ業を演じる
        pull off a good speculation:    うまく一山当てる
        pull off a great coup:    大当たりする


  1. "pull off a swindle" 意味
  2. "pull off a triple play" 意味
  3. "pull off a victory" 意味
  4. "pull off an upset" 意味
  5. "pull off its post-world war ii economic miracle" 意味
  6. "pull off on one's own" 意味
  7. "pull off one's boots" 意味
  8. "pull off one's boots = pull one's boots off" 意味
  9. "pull off one's coat" 意味
  10. "pull off an upset" 意味
  11. "pull off its post-world war ii economic miracle" 意味
  12. "pull off on one's own" 意味
  13. "pull off one's boots" 意味

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